Sunday, August 6, 2017

Course Introduction

August 7, 2017

E.Q: What songs represent you?
Obj: I can introduce myself and understand others through music. 


Using the sidebar tool on the right and click on the syllabus for this course.
We are going to review the expectations and policies together. 
Eventually, we will collaborate together on a class contract. 


1.  Google Folder Set Up

In your Google Drive, create a folder labeled Eng. I.

Then, create subfolders labeled:

Free Writes

You will complete 90% of your work within these folders.
Make sure that you share the entire folder with me at:

2.  Student Questionnaire 

Complete the form as honestly as possible.
If you have any questions for me, now is a great time to ask!

Would I rather be feared or Loved

3.  Soundtrack

Throughout our lives, many of us find songs that resonate with our thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc.
Find THREE songs that represent your life at the current moment.

List out the artist's name and title of the song.
Then, provide a 2-3 sentence explanation as to why you picked that song to include on your personal soundtrack.

Once you complete your explanations, design an album cover for your soundtrack.
This should represent you and the songs.
We will share these to the class through a gallery walk.

Image result for music art quotes


What is one expectation you have of this class?

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Battle Royale

December 13, 2017 Divide yourself into teams and decide on a team name.  We will use these teams for Battle Royale.