Thursday, August 31, 2017

ATDPTI 197-214

August 31, 2017

E.Q: Continue to track Juniors evolution as a character.
Connect ideas in the story to life today.
Obj: I can continue to track Juniors evolution as a character.
I can connect ideas in the story to life today.

Graffiti Poster
You will get several minutes to finish collaborating with your table on a graffiti poster.
You will work on it at the same time, describing and illustrating ideas in the chapters we read.
Focus on important quotes, characters, events, details, etc.

You will present these to the class. 

Image result for absolutely true diary of a part-time indian


Word: Acceptance
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the act of accepting something or someone :  the fact of being accepted
Your Definition: 
Activity: Use the word in a sentence.


1.  ATDPTI 197-214

We will read this as a class.

Discussion Questions

Describe the interaction between Rowdy and Junior.
Evaluate Junior's reaction to the news.
How has death changed him?

Complete the STEAL chart individually.
It should focus on Junior and his character at the end of the story.


What do you predict will happen at the end of the book?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

ATDPTI 169-196

August 30, 2017

E.Q: Continue to track Juniors evolution as a character.
Connect ideas in the story to life today.
Obj: I can continue to track Juniors evolution as a character.
I can connect ideas in the story to life today.


Interpret what this quote means.

Write 3-5 sentences.
Image result for what greater grief than the loss of one's native land


Word; Grief
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death.
Your Definition: 
Activity:  Use the word in a sentence.


1.  Gallery Walk

Give at least 5 people a plus and delta on their storyboard.
Remember that the ideas should relate to tolerance and include a quote.

Image result for tolerance quotes

2.. ATDPTI 169-196

Read as a class.

Discussion Questions

How does Junior deal with grief?
How does this relate to you?
What is your reaction to Mrs. Jeremy and the students?
What is revealed about Juniors character through his interaction with the reporter?
What lessons can be learned in "In Like a Lion?"

3.  Graffiti Poster
You will get several minutes to collaborate with your table on a graffiti poster.
You will work on it at the same time, describing and illustrating ideas in the chapters we read.
Focus on important quotes, characters, events, details, etc.


Reflect on your storyboard.
Create a plus and delta for yourself.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

ATDPTI 150-168

August 29, 2017

E.Q: Continue to track Juniors evolution as a character.
Connect ideas in the story to life today.
Obj: I can continue to track Juniors evolution as a character.
I can connect ideas in the story to life today.


What is ONE idea that really resonated with you from the article yesterday.

Why was this important to you?


Word: Tolerance
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find a quote about tolerance.

Image result for tolerance quotes


1.  ATDPTI 150-168

We will read through these pages as a class. 

Discussion Questions
How does alcohol impact life on the reservation?
Why is tolerance important?
How can people show acceptance?

2.  Storyboardthat

Create a storyboard that captures the ideas of tolerance in the pages we read today.
Your comic should be 3 cells long and include quotes. 


What is your overall impression of Juniors grandma?

Monday, August 28, 2017

ATDPTI 133-169

August 28, 2017

E.Q: Continue to track Juniors evolution as a character.
Connect ideas in the story to life today.
Obj: I can continue to track Juniors evolution as a character.
I can connect ideas in the story to life today.


The challenge is to connect all 9 dots by drawing 4 straight lines without lifting your pen from the paper..

This will all make sense later. 


Word: Game
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.
Your definition: 
Activity: Answer the question: How is life a game?

Image result for game


  1.  Gallery Walk

Rotate around the room to check out everyone's character profile.
Give at least 3 people a plus and delta on their work.

2.  ATDPTI 133-169

As a class we will read through these pages together.

Discussion Questions

Characterize Junior from the beginning of the story to now.
Explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement, "You have to dream big to get big."
How is life a game?

Individually, read through the article.

Write a 5 sentence reflection based on the ideas.
What do you agree with?
How does it relate to you?
How can you connect it to the book?


What is one major takeaway from the article you read today?

Friday, August 25, 2017

ATDPTI 114-132

August 25, 2017

E.Q: Connect ideas of characterization and identity/image.
Obj: I can connect ideas of characterization and identity/image.


Free Write Friday 

Your response should be a half page, double spaced.
Image result for color writing prompt


Word: Image
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a (1) :  a mental picture or impression of something 
2) :  a mental conception held in common by members of a group and symbolic of a basic attitude and orientation
Your Definition: 
Activity: Use the word in a sentence.

Image result for self image


1.  Gallery Walk

Rotate around the room to check out everyone's character profile.
Give at least 3 people a plus and delta on their work.

2.  ATDPTI 114-132

As a class we will read through the pages above.

Discussion Questions
How does our image impact our identity?
Determine whether or not money impacts identity.  Why or why not?
Characterize the relationship between Junior and Penelope.
How can you be an individual in a community?

Individually, find at least four quotes that relate to the ideas of image and identity.


How confident do you feel using textual evidence?

Thursday, August 24, 2017

ATDPTI 99-113

August 24, 2017

E.Q: Analyze how Junior and others evolve as a character through indirect characterization.
Obj: I can analyze how Junior and others evolve as a character through indirect characterization.


Imagine you were Junior.
What would his status be on Facebook if he had one?

Image result for facebook status


Word: Inference
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
Your Definition: 
Activity: What is one synonym for inference?


1.  ATDPTI pages 99-113

We will read through this as a class.

Discussion Questions

Characterize Mary based on her letter.
How does image impact our actions?
How do the different characters view dreams?
What are your dreams?

2.  Facebook.

Create a Facebook for a character of your choice.

It must have all of the STEAL elements.

3 statuses showing speech and thoughts.
3 comments showing effect on others
5 sentences for the about me showing actions
1 picture showing looks.

Each component should have at least one quote to support your ideas.

Refer to the example in class.

Image result for junior absolutely true diary


Did creating the facebook help understanding of characterization?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

ATDPTI 82-98

August 23, 2017

E:Q; Provide peers with effective feedback on their writing.
Analyze characteristics of Junior throughout the story.
Obj: I can provide peers with effective feedback on their writing.
I can analyze characteristics of Junior throughout the story.


Daily Writing Concern
What is one concern that you have about your TPEQEA paragraph.
You will give this to your partner for peer feedback.

Image result for junior absolutely true diary


Word: Peer Edit
Part of Speech: Verb
Dictionary Definition: When student's read and comment on each other's written work. 
Your Definition: 
Activity: Describe why peer edits are valuable.


1.  Peer Edit

Find a partner and trade writing concerns from the starter.
Read through each other's paragraphs and give advice on the DWC.
Then, evaluate each paragraph using the rubric provided.
Make sure to give at least one compliment and one criticism.

You will receive a couple of minutes to complete the editing.

2.  ATDPTI pages 82-98

Read through the pages with a partner.

Discussion Questions
Evaluate the importance of relationships.
Characterize Gordy.
Compare Junior to his sister.


What is one question that you still have about writing TPEQEA?

Sunday, August 20, 2017

TPEQEA Practice

August 21, 2017

E.Q: Identify the different components of TPEQEA.
Respond to the writing prompt using TPEQEA format.
Obj: I can identify the different components of TPEQEA.
I can respond to the writing prompt using TPEQEA format.


Reflect on your writing skills.
What is one skill that you rock at?
What is one skill you would like to improve?

Getting a grip on good grammar


Word: Flat Character
Part of Speech; Noun
Dictionary Definition: type of character in fiction that does not change too much from the start of the narrative to its end.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of a flat character.

Word: Round Character
Part of Speech; Noun
Dictionary Definition: a major player in a work of fiction — the star of the story —​ who encounters conflict and is changed by it
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of a round character.


  1.  TPEQEA

Review the prezi and take Cornell notes.
This will help guide you in writing TPEQEA paragraphs. 


Explain how Junior is an example of a round character. 

2.  Peer Feedback
With a partner, review each other's paragraphs.
Check for the structure and focus of topic.


What is one strength of yours when writing a TPEQEA? Weakness?

Friday, August 18, 2017

ATDPTI 67-81

August 18, 2017

E.Q: Define flat and round characters and analyze Junior's development. 
Obj; I can define flat and round characters and analyze Junior's development.


Free Write Friday

Create a half page, double spaced free write entry.

Image result for tumblr write prompts


Word: Flat Character
Part of Speech; Noun
Dictionary Definition: type of character in fiction that does not change too much from the start of the narrative to its end.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of a flat character.

Word: Round Character
Part of Speech; Noun
Dictionary Definition: a major player in a work of fiction — the star of the story —​ who encounters conflict and is changed by it
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of a round character.

Image result


1.  Gallery Walk 

Rotate around the room to view each persons storyboard. 
Give at least THREE people feedback, using a plus and delta. 

2.  ATDPTI 67-81

As a class, we will read the pages above.
Closely read the text to identify round and flat characters. 

Discussion Questions
How do we create respect?
Classify the new characters as round or flat and explain your reasoning. 
What is the purpose in including, Tears of a Clown?
How does who you are impact who you love?


Review the prezi and take Cornell notes.
This will help guide you in writing TPEQEA paragraphs. 


Explain how Junior is an example of a round character. 


What is one strength of yours when writing a TPEQEA? Weakness?

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

ATDPTI 48-66

August 17, 2017

E.Q: Identify direct and indirect characterization.
Analyze how it impacts the plot.
Obj: I can identify direct and indirect characterization
I can analyze how characterization impacts the plot.


Take out your Venn Diagram for life on and off Indian Reservations.
Write a 3-5 sentence reflection on the similarities and differences between the two.

Image result for life on the reservation


Word: Direct Characterization 
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: The author tells you directly about the personality of the character.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an example online.

Word; Indirect Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: The process in which the personality of a character(s) is revealed through speech, thoughts, and appearance. 
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an example online. 

Image result for define indirect characterization


1.  ATDPTI 48-66

Together we will read through the pages listed above. 
Pay attention to the use of direct and indirect characterization.

Discussion Questions
Evaluate Rowdy's reaction to Juniors news.
Why do people see color before they see content of a person?
How  does Indian culture impact Juniors behaviors?

2.  Storyboardthat

Create a 3 cell comic that highlights 3 indirect characteristics of Junior.
Each cell should include a quote and what that demonstrates about his character.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

ATDPTI 32-47

August 16, 2017

E.Q: Define hope and apply it to ideas in the book and yourself.
Characterize the education system on and off the rez and compare how they function.
Obj: I can define hope and apply it to ideas in the book and myself. 
I can characterize the education system on and off the rez and compare how they function.


What does hope mean to you?
Additionally, how hopeful are you in receiving a good education?
Explain your reasoning.

Image result for hope


Word: Hope
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
Your Definition: 
Activity: What is a nonexample of hope?


1.  ATDPTI 32-47

As a class, we will read the pages together.

Discussion Questions

Evaluate how Junior values education.
Explain Mr. P's role in the story.
Who has the most hope?
Characterize Junior from the beginning of the story up until this point. 

2.  Venn Diagram
In a Venn Diagram compare life and education on and off the Indian reservation.
Add at least FIVE characteristics to the graphic organizer based on the text. 
You will be adding to this based on the news article below.

Image result for venn diagram

3.  Informational Text 

A Long Way Back to the Rez Documentary

Education in Indian Country 

Read through the article with a partner.
Use the information in the article to include FIVE more characteristics to the Venn Diagram about life on and off the reservation. 


What is your opinion on the current state of the education system on Indian reservations?

Monday, August 14, 2017

ATDPTI 15-31

August 15, 2017

E.Q: Use textual evidence to analyze the main characters major characteristics. 
Obj: I can use textual evidence to analyze the main characters major characteristics. 


Make a list of at least THREE tribes that you belong to.
Explain each tribe in one sentence.

 Image result for absolutely true story of a part time indian writing prompt


Word:: Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the creation or construction of a fictional character.
Your Definition; 
Activity: Describe you favorite character from any book, movie, or show.


1.  ATDPTI Pages 15-31

Partner read.
While reading pay attention the characterization of Junior.
You will use this information to complete a STEAL chart. 

Read through the article.


How does Alexie incorporate his real life experiences in his literature?
How can you connect to the character and author?

Image result for sherman alexie quotes


What is your strength and weakness from the STEAL chart?

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

August 14, 2017

E.Q: Use textual evidence to identify characteristics of main characters.
Obj: I can use textual evidence to identify characteristics of main characters.


Reflect back to the seminar on Friday.
Write a five sentence review as to how the discussion went.
Explain both strengths and weaknesses.

Image result for breaking stereotypes quotes


Word: Stereotype
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an image that disregards stereotypes.


1.  The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

With a partner read pages 1-14.
For each chapter, create TWO double entry journal notes.

We will use quotes to have a class discussion on Junior.

How do the comics in the book compare to what you imagine?

Battle Royale

December 13, 2017 Divide yourself into teams and decide on a team name.  We will use these teams for Battle Royale.